EYWA NFT Manager interface
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In the EYWA NFT Manager, users can see information about the number of EYWA tokens in each NFT container and vesting periods simply by entering the ID of any NFT in the collection. After connecting their wallet, users can also manage their vesting safes* and add EYWA tokens to NFT containers**.
* Vesting safes are objects containing EYWA tokens that are blocked for a certain period of time based on the rules of the funding round (detailed information about the rules of each round and vesting periods are available here).
** Container - each NFT in the collection functions as a container for EYWA tokens. You can attach both unlocked and locked in vesting safes tokens to the NFT. This allows the user to sell blocked EYWA tokens at any time.
To find an NFT’s container and vesting information using its ID, one should go into the «EYWA NFT Manager» section and enter the number into the «NFT ID» field:
To find the NFT ID, go to the OpenSea collection page for EYWA NFTs, making sure that the address matches the original address of the collection: https://opensea.io/collection/eywa-nft-4
Choose an NFT of interest and go to its page.
You will see the NFT ID in the name of the selected NFT.
To quickly get into the EYWA NFT Manager app, use the View website link in the More menu.
The search window will show detailed information:
• NFT rarity and remaining space in the container
• Total number of tokens in the safe
• Rounds in which the EYWA tokens were received and their vesting period: total number of received tokens in each round, number of unlocked tokens, and when the vesting of the locked tokens ends
Detailed information about rounds and visiting periods can be found here.
Attention! If you buy NFT with EYWA tokens in a container, we recommend using the Buy now function to avoid detaching EYWA tokens before confirming the purchase. If you are buying on an Auction by sending your Offer or on an OTC marketplace - there is a possibility of falling for an unscrupulous seller who may detach the tokens from the container before sending the NFT to the buyer. The Buy now instant purchase feature on OpenSea significantly reduces this risk.
To manage your NFTs in the CrossCurve app, you need to go to the «EYWA NFT Manager» section. In the top right corner, click on «Connect wallet», select the right wallet from the list, and confirm the connection, making sure that you are on the official page: https://app.crosscurve.fi/nft_manager
After successfully connecting the wallet, in the «Total in wallet» tab you will see your EYWA token balance as well as information about rounds where these tokens were received and their vesting period:
• Total number of tokens received in the round
• Number of unlocked tokens
• End of vesting period for locked tokens
To remove tokens from the NFT container, enter the number of tokens and click «Detach from NFT». Then confirm in your wallet:
After the on-chain confirmation of the transaction, you will receive a notification that the NFT safe was successfully updated:
To attach tokens to an NFT safe, enter the number of EYWA tokens, select the vesting safes that contain those tokens, and click «Attach to NFT». Then confirm in your wallet:
When adding tokens to NFTs, safes of the same type and vesting period are merged.
Keep in mind the maximum capacity of each NFT (based on rarity). If all of the tokens do not fit into the NFT, you will need to use additional NFTs or decrease the number of tokens in the safe after they are vested.
After the on-chain confirmation of the transaction, you will receive a notification that the NFT safe was successfully updated: