Easy mode (Imbalanced)
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Example of using Easy mode for adding liquidity of the crvUSDC LP token into the xCRVUSDC LP token
To start working in the CrossCurve application, go to the Liquidity section. After successfully connecting your wallet, in the Choose pool window, select the xCRVUSDC pool. This mode allows you to exchange a single stablecoin into the liquidity token without interacting with the liquidity pool interface on Curve.
Having selected the Deposit operation and Easy mode, proceed to the exchange modal window by pressing Next.
Next, select the crvUSDC LP token (or any other available asset participating in the xCRVUSDC pool) to add the liquidity and choose the preferred network of the received original asset.
After entering the desired amount of tokens, the system will calculate the number of LP tokens received and the gas fee. By clicking Routing details, Routing will be displayed - this interface provides a convenient graphical representation of the cross-network transaction, showing all associated transitions and fees step by step:
The first transaction requires allowing the crvUSDC spending by clicking «Approve crvUSDC» and signing the transaction in the wallet. To sign the transaction, you must hold the native token of the network in which the transaction is being made to pay for the gas.
After confirming the spending of crvUSD, a “Swap” button will appear.
By pressing the "Swap" button, a request will be sent to the wallet to confirm the transaction of depositing the crvUSD token into the xCRVUSDT pool on Curve.
After signing the transaction, a notification about the sending, the ongoing exchange, and the estimated waiting time will be received. The status and progress will be displayed in the top right corner.
If in Easy mode you see high losses, consider other assets for acquisition or use the Balanced mode of liquidity deposit